橘子季節快過了,你找到心中的橘子園了嗎?遠在身邊或近在山丘之外的山丘…… |
是閑話也是怪談。每人心中都有一座嚮往的橘子園,充滿著奇幻漫想;也有一間不欲人窺知的密閉幽室,在打開與關閉之間,潛藏著面對的勇氣與智慧。三宅信太郎在快樂荒誕而怪異的橘子園裡,遇見自己,遇見玫瑰,遇見黎明。橘子季節快過了,你找到心中的橘子園了嗎?遠在身邊或近在山丘之外的山丘… |

黎明 / 140x413cm / 2012 / 紙上壓克力彩 色筆 鉛筆 拼貼 |

山上的橘子園 / 110.5x280x7cm / 2010 / 紙板上壓克力彩 蠟筆 鉛筆 |

本來無一物 / 109x79cm / 2010 / 紙上色筆 鉛筆 |

起源 / 79x548cm / 2010 / 紙上壓克力彩 色筆 鉛筆 (局部) |

起源 / 79x548cm / 2010 / 紙上壓克力彩 色筆 鉛筆 |

鱷梨樹 / 79x79cm / 2010 / 紙上壓克力彩 色筆 鉛筆 |

超越 / 79x49.8cm / 2010 / 紙上色筆 鉛筆 |

時時冷靜 / 79x109cm / 2010 / 紙上色筆 鉛筆 |

山頂腳踏車 / 55x79cm / 2010 / 紙上色筆 鉛筆 |

大吃特吃 / 156.5x161cm / 2010 / 紙上壓克力彩 色筆 鉛筆 |

順道一提 / 109.5x50cm / 2010 / 紙上壓克力彩 色筆 鉛筆 |

前進吧 / 31.5x121.8cm / 2010 / 紙上壓克力彩 色筆 鉛筆 |

大齒怪 / 42x46cm / 2010 / 紙上色筆 鉛筆 |

TENCE / 57x82cm / 2012 / 紙板上色筆 |

日常 / 57x82cm / 2012 / 紙板上色筆 |

即便沒有寂靜 / 188.5x489cm / 2011 / 紙上壓克力彩 色筆 鉛筆 |

你應該保持冷靜 /
89.5x18.5cm / 2010 /
紙板上毛氈 膠布 墨 色粉鉛筆 金屬顏料 |
三宅信太郎的文字劇本 |

本來無一物 / 109x79cm / 2010 / 紙上色筆 鉛筆 (局部) |
The hilltop of mandarin field. Well…once upon a time although when it was not that long ago, there was a time so long ago that people did not know who they were. There was the earth and the sky so high, and there was a hill after hill. There was another hill beyond that hill, and over that hill there was another and so on. Nobody knew where the first hill begun. But the people knew that it existed for sure on that hill top spread tha mandarin orange field, and there still a giant tree full of orange fruits. A long time ago before nobody ever knew, when the season came the orange seeds sprouted and the flowers bloomed. At that time, the hills here, there and everywhere else where everyone knew, the people were eating, sleeping, getting angry and laughing. Far far beyond the hill where no one knew. When the season come the orange fruits grew. At that time on the hills where everyone knew, people here and people there ate, slept and were waking up without knowing nothing as out the orange fields. And they were laughing. And then the season come and the fruits fell again, while people here and there slept, woke up and were eating and were laughing just as always. And the seasons went by. As if nothing ever happened. |
好像什麼都沒有發生過一樣。 |

順道一提 / 109.5x50cm / 2010 / 紙上壓克力彩 色筆 鉛筆 (局部) |
The hilltop of mandarin field. The girl liked mandarin oranges. She was in found of the cute looks and found the sweet and sour scent quite refreshing. But what she really enjoyed was to eat them. She liked to eat the oranges. But when she start eating she always ends up finish eating. The girl knew that the mandarins will be gone when she eats them. So she always questioned herself whether to eat or not to eat. One day, the girl was having a difficulty to decide as usual. Then came a well-dressed gentleman from her side of the hill. He was wearing hat, and he was quite tall. “You should always be at peace.”Says the gentleman, and walked away to another hill.
這位紳士說著,然後走向另一座山丘。 |

即便沒有寂靜 / 188.5x489cm / 2011 / 紙上壓克力彩 色筆 鉛筆 (局部) |
Only the one wanting to hear it is heard. Only the one not wanting to hear it is heard. Sound voice and noise the noise is a reality. The intention in the sound word mean it. The reality ahead a constant sound continues it becomes synonymous with there is noting too. Silent and silent and silent. There even not silent.
Sound of start of the world. Of course it has not heard it. Does the flow start? Consideration for whom will be start start the world? When the tree falls in the interior of none of forests that are, is the sound that the tree falls done? Who on earth hears the sound done in none of the places that are? Does existence exist in the place without the sound either? Where does the sound that should have existed there till then go when oneself loses the existence?
The cooped-up feeling come suddenly on a certain morning. Not me oneself but sense sense that exists in head another world or exists.
The one heard even if keeping silent. If it hears it. Do not you hear it? Or is it the one that always flow sin to the head without any relation to the intention? Will is it only a sound or it will be my consideration? Where do you come really with consideration?
It is a thing of a lime the thing, and now that a rose in this world. The thing and the memory of a lime in the thing and the memory that there is a new life that there are many things of dying. And predecessors who have already died that will arise in the thing and the future before long will be tings before long like the thing and the relation…etc. things of family, things of kin, things of I and these time of disappearing now.
However the situation h the situation has been slowly advanced from the matter for two months.
Or is it a place in which it was said that it would not advance at all?
There is a thing ob being liberated from a certain kind ob restraint by losing one.
However there is however. However there is not staying. However because there is only one truth of the situation though it has picked up though it is deteriorating.

黎明 / 140x413cm / 2012 / 紙上壓克力彩 色筆 鉛筆 拼貼 (局部) |
Dawn. Long Time at Bone Time.
Thing to compose screen clipping lt does not support it.
The reality is already the opposite here in each person in the person situation though it does not know even if it is a bad thing even if it is a comparison good thing though not known how to it receives it. Time when it is possible to do and alive drawing was done in front of students occasioning at the time of the lecturer three years ago in an art system special school is originally a prototype in this work. At the beginning the scene of “2001: a space odyssey” was drawn with apelike (kigurumi) at that time. The drawing did not complete, and under such a condition, had been left in the atelier.
There was confidence only in drawing a picture the feeling needed truly by itself was able to be expressed on paper about ten year has passed and it got sick mentally the uneasiness of drawing a picture grew severe it became impossible to find out a meaning for one to have done it is still alive where is.
It little neck clam is drawn with signs of the drawing left this time.It is a slogh from the character of sweet who continues since before, and appearance of my own chance at the same time, too.
在遠古久遠的時代 。
這次在畫的左邊畫了小頸蛤圖像,它是從以前延續的快樂角色,同時也是我自己改變了的表相。 |

TENCE / 57x82cm / 2012 / 紙板上色筆 (局部) |
I was and was a line when noticed if it has these casual days consciousness will not got exist of self but just as he is conscious death is not acquired for an idea colander simultaneously with raw fear of death which continues as long as it is a line distrust to existence it is born by zero and as it returns to zero what is uneasy? The thing being a line itself feeling of despair that the only solution is the fear it self. TENCE
成為界線本身,有一種絕望的感覺,而惟一的解決方法是面對恐懼的本身。 |
三宅信太郎 |
1970 |
生於東京,日本 |
1996 |
多摩美術大學學士,東京,日本 |
- 個展 - |
2012 |
"閑話怪談",形而上畫廊,台北,台灣 |
2011 |
"平靜的蛤蜊",Gabriel Rolt畫廊,阿姆斯特丹,荷蘭 |
"就是生活",小山登美夫畫廊,京都,日本 |
2009 |
"兩個真相",c/o Atle Gerhardsen畫廊,柏林,德國 |
2008 |
"埃及-文明之路-",小山登美夫畫廊,東京,日本 |
2007 |
"或許是生活的光明面",高橋收藏展,東京,日本 |
"Innocy的房子",Gugging博物館,Gugging原生藝術中心,維也納,奧地利 |
2007 |
"HATCHOBORI",Krinzinger畫廊,維也納,奧地利 |
2006 |
"三宅信太郎:海狸計畫",麻州設計學院,Sandra and David Bakalar畫廊, 波士頓,麻州,美國 |
2006 |
"NI-MARU-MARU-ROKU, in DOITSU",c/o Atle Gerhardsen畫廊,柏林,德國 |
2005 |
"平敦盛",小山登美夫畫廊,東京,日本 |
2004 |
"牛頭怪控制的艦艇",Suzy Shammah畫廊,米蘭,義大利 |
"Innocy的房子",Krinzinger Projekte畫廊,維也納,奧地利 |
"第四行星",c/o Atle Gerhardsen畫廊,柏林,德國 |
文人眼底的中國,斯民苑,新加坡 |
2003 |
"甜美夏日",小山登美夫畫廊,東京,日本 |
雙鶴軒畫廊,西雅圖,美國 |
2002 |
"Sulascaux no Hekiga",(Shulascaux壁畫),Kaku畫廊,東京,日本 |
2001 |
"日本花園豐腴女孩—富士-邊-",梅邱世田谷畫廊,東京,日本 |
"日本花園豐腴女孩—女孩-邊-",有明藝廊,東京,日本 |
2000 |
"甜姐兒",梅邱世田谷畫廊,東京,日本 |
1999 |
"永遠的媽媽",Kobo銀座,東京,日本 |
1998 |
Kobo銀座,東京,日本 |
- 聯展 - |
2010 |
"Hito Hito",Bambinart畫廊,東京,日本 |
2009 |
"繞行--海狸鼠的旅行展",現代美術館設計店,東京,日本 |
"無人之境",法國大使館,東京,日本 |
2008 |
"杰基爾島",Honor Fraser畫廊,洛杉磯,美國 |
" neoteny japan:90年代後之當代藝術家--高橋收藏展",霧島藝術之森美術館,鹿兒島, 日本(巡迴展:札幌藝術森林,北海道,日本2008-09/新瀉縣立近代美術館,新瀉,日本,2009/秋田縣立近代美術館,秋田,日本2009/米子市立美術館,鳥取,日本 2009-2010/愛媛縣立美術館,愛媛,日本2010) |
Richard Heller畫廊,聖塔莫妮卡,加州,美國 |
2007 |
"3L4D動漫展",形而上畫廊,台北,台灣 |
"繞行--海狸鼠城市筆記本經驗",藝術導演學會,紐約,美國 |
2006 |
"柏林–東京/東京–柏林",Neue國家畫廊,柏林,德國 |
" NAOSHIMA STANDARD",直島現代美術館,香川縣,日本 |
2005 |
"渾亂的童年",奧克蘭美術館,奧克蘭,紐西蘭 |
"日本PoP”,博物館網球殿,赫爾辛基市立美術館,赫爾辛基,芬蘭 |
2004 |
"Officina亞洲",波隆那當代美術館,波隆那,義大利 |
"虛擬的愛-當代新異術",台北當代藝術館,台北,台灣 |
2003 |
"密斯特vs三宅信太郎展",NADiff美術館商店,東京,日本 |
"開幕展",小山登美夫畫廊,東京,日本 |
2002 |
"未來的期許",東角博物館,東京,日本 |
"日本經驗--命中注定",薩爾斯堡當代美術館,薩爾斯堡,奧地利 |
2002 |
" GEISAI -1",東京鐵塔娛樂館,東京,日本 |
"日本經驗--命中注定",Ursula Blickle Stiftung,卡爾斯魯厄,德國(巡迴展 : 薩爾斯堡當代美術館,薩爾斯堡,奧地利,2003) |
" GEISAI -2",東京國際展示場,東京,日本 |
"情感位置",Shokuryou大樓,東京,日本 |
2001 |
"國際藝術展覽會",東京國際展示場,東京,日本 |
1994 |
"城市藝術#3",Parco涉谷畫廊,東京,日本 |
1993 |
"城市藝術#2",Parco涉谷畫廊,東京,日本 |
- 公眾典藏 - |
高橋收藏 |
Gugging原生藝術中心 |
魯貝爾家族珍藏館 |
Kistefos博物館,Jevnaker,挪威 |
Astrup Fearnely當代美術館,奧斯陸,挪威 |
Jean Pigozzi收藏 |